Multiple environments

Test and production environments for smoother deployments. Even on Fridays.

Differentiate between your testing environment from your production environment that your customers can see. Have a separate stage where you can test your ideas BEFORE going live.

randevu Picture_ Test and Production environments

Multiple environments for better development control

Multiple environments give you great options for better development control over your product. Test your new features without having to stop your users of enjoying your marketplace and digital platform. See history of your changes and all your releases in one spot.

stage production environment quick push to production

One click & go live

Validate changes in staging before releasing in production

With randevu, you get two environments from day 1. Staging environment is called “test” and production is called “live”.

You can modify your business logic, data models, extensions and integrations as well as see all those changes in actions in your test mode. When you’re ready to release, you can simply click a button and release your changes to production.

Audit trail for easier traceability

See history of releases

See and examine what changes went into your production system, who made that deployment and when it was made. Track all your most important deployment data in one spot. Have the audit trail for easier traceability.

stage production environment release history
stage production environment changes to deployment

You can deploy on Fridays as well

See changes that are yet to be deployed to production

Before pressing the “push to production button”, you can examine all the changes that will be made with the next deployment from the staging to the production environment. Make your migration decisions and deploy when you are ready.

Discover more features

Discover more about randevu’s extensibility and flexibility, controlled data disclosures & access permissions, admin panel and many more features for your marketplace.

Get in touch with us

Ask us all of your questions and let us help you determine if the is the right solution for your marketplace business.