Let’s meet in person and chat on industry events

We love exchanging experiences and knowledge about platforms and marketplaces, learning new things and sharing what we learned on our way. Let’s meet and chat about our failures and successes.

Upcoming events

September 2024

Special session on building platforms (for and from established firms)

Awesome round table with Peter Evans (McFadyen Digital), Fleur Boos (The Value Department) and Shuhrat Ashurov (randevu.tech), moderated by Andreas Hein. Topics will be circular economy, ecosystems, genAI, blockchain, and building platforms.

More details on Daniel’s post

September 2024 in Berlin

The Marketplace Conference 2024

Join us on the conference and let’s meet together all the top founders, VCs, and marketplace enthusiasts from across the globe! The special event topic will be “Unraveling the hype: Unveiling AI’s evolution in Marketplaces”.

Read more about the Marketplace Conference 2024

We want to help!

Are you organizing an event about B2B commerce, platforms and marketplaces?


June 2024 in Zagreb

SaaStanak 2024

Filip (CTO) went to the largest SaaS community event in Southeast Europe, meeting so many successful SaaS owners and learning about their success stories.

The SaaStanak community organizes many events and inspires people from 10+ countries.

Read more about the SaaStanak Community

hinterland-of-things-shuhrat founders stage

June 2024 in Bielefeld

Hinterland of Things Conference 2024

We were invited to share our story on one of the biggest stages – the founders stage. Shuhrat shared our founding story and the way he made to becoming randevu’s Chief Commercial Officer. 

Read more about the Hinterland of Things Conference


April 2024 in Hannover

Hannover Messe 2024​

We went to the event to talk to the SME manufacturing companies about their digitalization strategies and to distributors about their order management. 

Shuhrat talked to owners, management executives and sales people, learning a lot about their current pain points.

Read more about the Hannover Messe

March 2023 in Berlin

The Marketplace Conference 2024, Berlin Meetup

Shuhrat (CCO) joined the Marketplace Conference’s Berlin meetup, organized by Speedinvest and hosted by Globant = full house with great lineup of speakers. 

Learn more about the event and his impressions: Linkedin Event Post

ecommerce berlin expo 2024 randevu shuhrat

February 2024 in Berlin

E-commerce Berlin Expo 2024

Shuhrat (CCO) was at the e-commerce Expo to meet with potential implementation and integratation partners. 

Learn more about the event and his impressions: Linkedin Event Post

January 2024 in London

Everything Marketplace meetup in London

The 2024 event season was kicked off with a emerging “Everything Marketplace” in London. We had blast chatting with over 40 marketplace founders, teams, & leaders from the industry.

Read more about the Everything Marketplace community


The Marketplace Convention 2023 Köln randevu visit

October 2023 in Köln

The Marketplace Convention 2023

Great event with so many interesting inputs – both theoretical from the marketplace theory as well as practical examples of companies leading the marketplace revolution. 

Great event!

More about the Marketplace Convention

seamlesseurope 2023 berlin randevu event

October 2023 in Berlin

Seamless Europe 2023

We spent most of the time at our booth – this was the first time ever we had a real booth 🎉 – meeting and talking to so many people interested in platforms and what we can do for them.

What an event!

More about the SeamlessEurope 2023

the marketplace conference berlin 2023 randevu event

September 2023 in Berlin

The Marketplace Conference 2023

Our CCO Shuhrat, represented us in the Marketplace Berlin conference, an event organized by Speed Invest. 

This conference provided a valuable platform for networking, and Shuhrat had the opportunity to engage with a mix of potential customers, existing clients, and initiate discussions with potential business partners. The event proved to be a fruitful for fostering connections and exploring new avenues for collaboration.

Find out more about the conference

Groeneveld-Schoenleber Handelsblatt Konferenz Digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Ökosysteme 2023

September 2023 in Düsseldorf

Handelsblatt Tagung "Digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Ökosysteme 2023"

Auf der zweitägigen B2B Konferenz von Handelsblatt haben wir wertvolle Kontakte geknüpft und viele Entscheider:innen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum kennengelernt, die sich mit den Themen Digitalisierung und digitale Geschäftsmodelle beschäftigen.

Drei wichtigsten Take-Aways:

  1. B2B Leaders suchen nach Inspiration.
  2. Sie würden gerne Erfolgsgeschichten aus anderen Branchen hören und sich dadurch inspirieren lassen.
  3. Sie möchten aus den Fehlern anderer lernen, um nicht selbst denselben Fehler zu begehen.

Rückblick und Impressionen vom Handelsblatt Event

marketplace stack paris randevu

May 2023 in Paris

Scaling across marketplace stack

We attended this meetup organized by Speedinvest. They brought together experts, entrepreneurs and investors to discuss topics from providing payment and logistics to offering new financial services and becoming solution providers.

Besides gaining valuable insights we had a chance to meet and connect with some marketplace investors and marketplace founders.

the-ntwk summit barcelona randevu shuhrat ashurov

May 2023 in Barcelona

The NTWK Summit - Europe’s Top Summit For Digital Business Models

350+ experts from around the world meet once a year in Barcelona to discuss about platforms, ecosystems, marketplaces, sustainability and AI.

Our cofounder and CCO Shuhrat Ashurov joined a panel discussion on the topic of “Chicken or Egg: How to launch a marketplace” along with experts Tom M McFadyen (CEO of McFadyen Digital), Bárbara Buades (Founder of MEETOPTICS), Nick Fulton (CEO of trustshare) and Paula Conti Lansac (Strategic AE at Mirakl).

Later Shuhrat wrote an article about the panel discussion which was published at the NTWK Summit report. You can read from on Linkedin.

Vortrag POM Platform Revenue Models

June 2023 at Gut Hühnerhof in Gründau, Germany

Plattform.Macher Tage = klasse Leute + interessante Themen + top Impulse + schöne Location

Die Plattform.Macher Tage fanden auch dieses Jahr im wunderschönem Gelnhausen statt, mit über 90 Plattform-EnthusiastInnen aus der DACH Region. Neben unserem Vortrag zum Thema “Platform Revenue Models” (Ertragsmodelle einer Plattform – meldet euch, falls ihr die Slides haben wollt!) haben wir u.A. auch
– viele bekannte Gesichter wieder gesehen,
– uns mit unseren aktuellen Kunden f2f ausgetauscht,
– viele Plattform-Betreiber und Wissenschaftler kennengelernt,
– zahlreiche interessante und inspirierende Gespräche geführt

Wir sind nächstes Jahr definitiv wieder dabei! Wann, wie, wo die 3. Edition stattfindet, findet ihr auf der Webseite der Konferenz.

randevu meetup b2b digitalisierung rolle von marktplätzen und digitalen Plattformen

April 2023 in Berlin

randevu Meetup: Laufen deutsche KMU bei der Plattformökonomie / Digitalisierung hinterher? Die Rolle von Marktplätzen und digitalen Plattformen.

Es war sooo guuut – unser erstes Live Meetup! Das Meetup begann mit einem kurzen Vortrag von Filip zum Thema “Plattformökonomie & Digitalisierung und deutsche KMUs”. Anschließend konnten über 20 Teilnehmer von den Branchenexperten Bernd Weidmann, Anna Ploskonos und Philip Meier viele interessante Einblicke gewinnen können. Mehr zu den Einblicken findet ihr in Filip’s Linkedin Post.

Nach der Fragerunde wurde ausgiebig genetworkt – mit Getränken und leckeren Pizzas. Wir freuen uns auf das nächste Meetup. Stay tuned!

2023-03-30 Event How to Choose the Right Growth Strategy for Your Marketplace or Startup

March 2023

How to Choose the Right Growth Strategy for Your Marketplace or Startup?

Product-led growth (PLG) or sales-lead growth (SLG)? Dr. Else van der Berg covered the theoretical part of these two approaches and gave lots of examples on how companies are approaching this topic. After that, Aleks gave his insights on the topic with examples of his previous startups.

Ping us if you want to watch the recordings of the webinar.


February 2023

E-Commerce Berlin EXPO

We visited the largest pure-play e-commerce event in Germany. It was a great event that helped us connecting with potential customers and meet industry experts.

Learn more about the event: ecommerceberlin.de

Webinar Building and customizing your B2B digital platforms randevu

February 2023

Webinar: Building and customizing your B2B digital platforms with randevu.tech

Filip Perišić, our co-founder and CTO, shared the story behind randevu.tech. The attendents learned about the building blocks of a scalable B2B marketplace and how randevu.tech can help them create one that fits their needs. Additionally, Filip showed the product demo showing how randevu’s infrastructure works in action.

Learn more about the webinar: Linkedin Event Post

Before 2023

Webinar How to scale your SME business. randevu.

December 2022

Webinar: How to scale your SME business through B2B digital platforms / marketplaces

We organized our first webinar, partnering up with fastbreak.one’s CEO Matthias Walter and TOOLPLACE’s founder Christian Götze.
We were talking about how to build your own platform to become the orchestrator of your market, how selling through platforms boost your revenue and how partnering with your peers can form an industry-wide ecosystem.

Learn more about the webinar: LinkedIn Event Post

The Marketplace Conference and randevu

October 2022 in Berlin

The Marketplace Conference in Berlin 2022

The Marketplace Conference is an annual event focused on all things marketplaces and unites marketplace entrepreneurs, investors and industry experts.

Learn more about the conference: marketplaceconf.com

Sharing Economy Global Summit in London. randevu in London.

October 2022 in London

Sharing Economy Global Summit in London 2022

randevu founders, Aleks and Filip, explored different generations of marketplaces and platforms and outlined new technology challenges behind modern digital platforms.

Learn more about the conference: https://lnkd.in/giY9nCet

Plattform Macher Tage 2022 und randevu

June 2022

The Platform.Macher Tage 2022

First speech? At the Plattform.Macher Tage (the fastest-growing german B2B Platform community) in the beautiful Kinzig.Valley in June 2022. 

platform leaders 2021

November 2021

The Platform Leaders 2021

Our very first conference. It was online, but still – we were there.

We love exchanging ideas about marketplaces

If you have a marketplace idea, you should choose a marketplace tech that bends to your requirements. Not the other way around. So let’s talk and we will show you why randevu’s infrastructure is the right way to go.